Considering the information you have provided, I believe you could be looking at an ATAR somewhere between 90 and 93. You are in a very good position in terms of your ranks across most of your subjects, particularly Software Design and Development and Engineering Studies. The only potential concern is your English Advanced rank. English Advanced is a subject that can impact your ATAR significantly and is the only subject you will not be able to use your backup unit for as the best 2 units of English are always counted towards your ATAR. This means that your performance in the HSC English Advanced exam (since you mentioned the values you have provided are final) will be crucial, i.e. you need to perform to the best of your abilities in this exam in order to maximise your chances of achieving your desired ATAR (which may likely be an ATAR quite higher than what you're aiming for), while at the same time maintaining your favourable performance in the rest of your subjects, which can also be done through optimal performance in the HSC exams. Keep in mind that the HSC exam is worth 50% of your final mark for each of your subjects, meaning it is a great opportunity to achieve great final marks, especially considering that your HSC exam marks are based on your own performance, and are unaffected by factors such as your school rank.
I hope this helps!