Biology (1 Viewer)


Sep 23, 2023
Bro does anyone know how to study bio like properly, Yr 11 i would crammm all my info i would memorise my textbook and thats it, managed to get me pretty good marks but i would end up forgetting it all before the next exam + plus it was exhausting, and usually i would just end up pulling an all nighter to cram the info. Can anyone share how to properly study bio, or just whatever works for u in details?



Active Member
Mar 11, 2024
The Batcave
Hi, I suppose I can help a bit. For starters, I got a 92 in the HSC exam but my internals (trial marks) let me down despite having a good rank so I ended up getting an 88 ;-;.
I'll share with u how I studied for the HSC which I think is pretty effective (I will say though, that the bio HSC exam was quite easy for my year - 2024)
First of all, theres no point in memorising the content and textbooks if your not understanding it. I suggest regularly revising your work after class and summarising it all on a book or doc. This keeps your memory fresh though revision, and it also ensures you have a reliable set of notes from class. I also recommend watching youtube videos with visuals to make sure you truly understand the content/concept. For example, I struggled with understanding Meiosis and Mitosis, and the multiple stages etc. To rectify this, I extensively analysed diagrams, made my own images/diagrams, and memorised acronyms such as PMAT (Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase).
Another thing I did (for my other subjects as well) was to write key concepts or difficult/complex process on palm cards. That way, I had something small to read wherever I go. I often read them in bed before I sleep, so that way, I sort of 'slept on' the info. It sounds weird but it worked for me.

Another thing that definitely helped was doing past papers. And I mean doing LOTS of them. I saved the actual HSC past papers for last (I did them in the 3-4 weeks leading up to the HSC exam) and did trial papers from other schools/companies. you can access them here:

There's no point in cramming in info if your not testing your knowledge. Anyone can memorise the process of meiosis, but how well can you explain it? Make sure you do timed responses and be strict with marking. No half marks or leniency. keep on doing questions until you get full marks. In a way, by completing those papers, not only are you testing your knowledge, you are also revising and rewriting it down.

Lastly, I would advise against pulling an all nighter. My strat was, in the 1-2 weeks leading up to the exam, I would compile notes into one google doc so that i had all the relevant information in one space. these were often dot points and diagrams which I merely wrote just for me to remember- These were seperate to my actual notes. I would write down everything I can remember (organised by the relevant topic/unit/module) and compare it against the syllabus and my main notes to see if there were gaps in my memory. In the final 2 days before the actual exam, my notes would/should be done and i would spend up until around 10-11pm just reading and explaining the concepts to myself. Sometimes I would stand in front of the mirror and 'teach it.'

Ig thats all I can say for now. Some of these strats may seem weird or unusual, but they worked for me (especially for other subjects like english and sor). Just make sure you start finding a good routine/study method early so that way you can good better results early on.


Silver Springs (1977)
Feb 26, 2024
Bro does anyone know how to study bio like properly, Yr 11 i would crammm all my info i would memorise my textbook and thats it, managed to get me pretty good marks but i would end up forgetting it all before the next exam + plus it was exhausting, and usually i would just end up pulling an all nighter to cram the info. Can anyone share how to properly study bio, or just whatever works for u in details?

Ur not alone. I hated bio and didnt study heaps for it until the lead up to hsc. I basically wrote notes online on most dot points (bc i was rushing, i focused on what I didn't know), then just got my parents / friends to continuously test me until I understood it completely.


Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
Bro does anyone know how to study bio like properly, Yr 11 i would crammm all my info i would memorise my textbook and thats it, managed to get me pretty good marks but i would end up forgetting it all before the next exam + plus it was exhausting, and usually i would just end up pulling an all nighter to cram the info. Can anyone share how to properly study bio, or just whatever works for u in details?

I got a b6 in bio (js for credibility lmao) and I found that alternating between flashcards, blurting and spam writing sample responses was what worked best for me.

I'd start with flashcards like 2 weeks before exams just to do some active memory testing but then closer to exams I would take note of the flashcards/topics I struggled with and then I would read over my notes and start spam blurting it out if that makes sense. Like I'd read the content a few times to understand it then 5 minutes later I'd start mapping out the topic on a whiteboard and link all the content together. This is important because you don't wanna be route learning content since they have asked questions that link between modules and concepts which are tricky to understand if you only route learn so focus on actually understanding and making links between certain concepts^^ Then closer to the exam I used the biology strive book and other past papers to do practice questions and apply my knowledge. A really good thing you should do is do these questions with your friends and then peer mark because usually when you mark yourself you may slack off a bit and your friend will typically be a lot more critical which is helpful- or if your teacher offers to mark your work that'd be even better. Read over a lot of exemplar answers as well to see how they address questions as bio is really nit-picky and you can lose marks just for omitting certain terminology 😢

Also for the flashcard stuff I know it takes forever to make since there's sm content in the modules if you want I can send you the one I made since I have no use for it now 🙏


Sep 23, 2023
Also for the flashcard stuff I know it takes forever to make since there's sm content in the modules if you want I can send you the one I made since I have no use for it no
Yes please if you can that would be amazing!! Thank you for the tips as well, would u make notes? And how would you initially learn content?


Active Member
Sep 28, 2023
Yes please if you can that would be amazing!! Thank you for the tips as well, would u make notes? And how would you initially learn content?
Yess I would make notes but honestly, I didn't look at them much it was more so that I could review the content. See if notes actually help you and if not then don't bother making them- I know a lot of people who didn't make notes at all or just used ones online and still got b6^^ Before the HSC I was mainly summarising stuff from conquerHSC (really recommend this), class worksheets and occasionally my notes. If I was really bothered I would learn content ahead usually the morning that I had class or the night before by using textbooks and just writing a little summary page but I rarely did this cos I was really lazy 😭 Other resources like atomi are also really helpful for pre-study but sometimes they can oversimplify or overcomplicate topics so I'd only use that if you're an avid visual learner^^

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