Bnw Br Help!! (1 Viewer)


Nov 10, 2002
hey guys
i have this assignment where i have to imagine i am Ridley Scott (dir of BR)... the question is as follows

a recent review of your work has included criticism that it lacks originality and that you are simply revisting the ideas of an earlier writer(that being aldous huxely BNW) with little of your own to add to these. you feel the need to reply to these criticisms in order to prove that, while there are similarities in the texts, they also reflect quite different contexts from which they have come and the values inherent to those different contexts.
Write a feature article in reply to your critics....
but i am only allowed to compared the first 15 mins or so of BR and one scene/passage from BNW..

Any help ???
i dont know where to start?


Jul 8, 2003
no, not really. but heres something:

obviously there is a hell of a lot of difference in the opening scenes. Scott's LA is polluted and like has connotations of a human hell (smog, rising towers, plumes of fire etc). Huxley's opening is clean, sterile and cold. both present a dystopia, but their differences reflect their contexts. there was no environmental degradation back in ye oldn days. despite the mass consumerism and synthetic everything in bnw, the environment is pristine. but in the 80s, evironmental destruction was at the forefront of issues. scotts shows this through the city, rain and eternal darkness. there is also a lot of asian images in br which is completely absent in bnw because asia was not a large influence on huxley's culture. in the 80s, asian economies were booming and japanese companies were buying up american assests at an unprecidented rate. such growth raised concerns of an asian takeover of american culture and this is seen through the language and chinese food decard is always eating. theres also no totalitarian rule in br. its all ruled by companies as seen by the intrusive presence of ads. this reflects the rise of the reagan administration and its economic policy of privatisation and minimal government interference. huxley, however, was seein the rise of dictatorships and facists regimes throughout europe as thhe fall out of ww1.

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