there is no such thing as "bonus UAI points"
ur UAI is the UAI that uac assigns you based on your marks. Your UAI is a rank. This is not changed by ANYTHING.
What you may be referring to is the EAS scheme where univesities offer the same courses with LOWER UAI CUTOFFS (up to 5 points lower than their corresponding CSP courses) for those who have had their hsc year severly affected by hardships such as parental deaths, divorces, severe sickness etc.
certain univerities may assign you "bonus uai points" for entry; ur UAI will remain the same for the official record - but they will consider your application as if u had a higher UAI, making your UAI more competitive for course entry. These "bonus" points vary from unviersity to university, and DO NOT IMPACT ON YOUR REAL UAI == the universities simply consider your application as if u did have a higher uai.
For UTS your uai can be 10 marks below the main round cutoffs.
For UNSW they give "bonus points" in the consideration process.
go here for more info:
Exphate, they are not too late. The applications close 30th November. Make sure u do it by this date, since UNSW and UTS both DO
NOT ACCEPT late applications.