CASE: Computer Aided Software Engineering.
So anything that lets a computer do something for you to help/speed up the development process is a CASE tool.
Trends - There are many, here's a couple:
Open Source Software development is rising. This has links to Versioning software, such as CVS (Concurrent Versions System).
Versioning software allows a number of developers to work on a project, then upload it to a common server (either on a local network or over the internet). It handles older versions, and makes sure that one person doesnt delete/change anything that another person is working on. It stores what changes people make to the software. If you have ever seen on some software sites, they offer the CVS files for download, which means you can download a previous version of software, edit it, upload it with changes etc.
The reason this affects an Open Source trend is it allows people to freely edit and upload software. This makes the software better because more features get added, errors get fixed etc.
Think about volume test data:
Software programs are becoming more substantial.
Some trends in software today is that large companies need HUGE amounts of data to pass through a system (like, banks).
So testing these larger systems couldnt be done with 'normal' test data methods, but is helped and sped up by automatically generating large amounts of test data.