full time - 2 years
part time - 3-4 years (its 3 at wollongong not sure about other campuses)
you dont need to do any other certificates to be able to do the diploma, but if you can get credits (exemptions) from some units if you've done one of the certificates before (eg. cert 3 gets you credits from a couple of units in 1st year diploma)
when you do a traineeship, you have to do certificate 3 through tafe (1 day a week i think). as far as i know, you cant do anything else (ie. can't do diploma) during your traineeship
cert 3 is the same as stage 1 (first year) of the diploma
i'm doing the diploma and i've found it to be a pretty good course. it's aimed at working in early childhood (preschools, long day care, etc - 0-5's) and you get to do work experience during each year - 20 hrs manditory which has to be documented (you have to organise this)..and a week (i think) in a centre (organised through tafe)
pm me if you want any more info on the course (i dont come in here all that often) or ask one of the others who're doing the course (
in here)