MATH1110 - Civil and Electrical - easier
MATH1120 - Civil and Electrical - easiest
MATH2310 - Civil and Electrical - easy
MATH2420 - Electrical only - easyish
I'm doing civil eng/maths. In the first couple of years i thought that the engineering subjects were tonnes harder than the maths ones. In other words, i agree with what Captain Gh3y said
math1110 and 1120 which have only 2 unit as assumed knowledge. I'm doing the latter and it's not that hard, I found 3 unit harder last year.
here were my impressions of first year engineering (some of the subjects have changed a bit since i did them, but it is still virtually the same)
GENG1001 - Introductory Mechanics: If you didn't do engineering studies in High school this could be a bit difficult, i din't do engineering studies and still managed to get the hang of it eventually
MATH1110 - Mathematics 111 - see my comment before
PHYS1210 - Advanced Physics 1 - pretty good, not too bad. eight 3 hour labs are annoying though
SURV1110 - Surveying 1 - fairly easy, boring, eight or so 3 hour pracs are boring, but you get to be outside i guess.
GENG1002 - Introduction to Engineering Computations - ok, they have changed it a fair bit from when i did it, more visual basic now, less fortran
GENG1803 - Introduction to Engineering Practice - hippy shit (so i have been told)
MATH1120 - Mathematics 112 - see my comment before
SURV1120 - Surveying 2 - better than surveying 1, not too hard, a lot more interesting with better pracs.