08 sac baby!
I've decided to use Frost at midnight and this lime tree bower my prison poems for my upcoming english speech next week!! yes and i have not started
We did Bridge to terabithia in class but i dont know what other text i can do for it ?
I was thinking the book of bridge to terabithia and possibly the matrix trilogy
The question for my speech is
We are frequently discouraged from daydreaming as it is seen as a waste of time. To what extent is the imaginative journey a useful part of our lives?
Explain what we learn from the texts and how this is achieved in the poetry of Coleridge and two texts of your own choosing.
I was thinking i could also if i wanted to do finding nemo as it does explore childhood and nemo on an imaginative journey going after his friend and getting caught up a long the way, but even the butterfly effect as well. I just need to come to a conclusion so that i can begin!
We did Bridge to terabithia in class but i dont know what other text i can do for it ?
I was thinking the book of bridge to terabithia and possibly the matrix trilogy
The question for my speech is
We are frequently discouraged from daydreaming as it is seen as a waste of time. To what extent is the imaginative journey a useful part of our lives?
Explain what we learn from the texts and how this is achieved in the poetry of Coleridge and two texts of your own choosing.
I was thinking i could also if i wanted to do finding nemo as it does explore childhood and nemo on an imaginative journey going after his friend and getting caught up a long the way, but even the butterfly effect as well. I just need to come to a conclusion so that i can begin!