Every day spend at least one hour going over previous topics. This may require you do the same exercises or homework tasks more than once. You could also try going over past papers.
Shut off all electronic devices.
Study in an isolated room where no noise can be heard.
No distractions in surroundings eg. Wallpapers.
Open textbook and solve questions.
Every day spend at least one hour going over previous topics. This may require you do the same exercises or homework tasks more than once. You could also try going over past papers.
Just do enough work to ensure that you understand the content - the exact amount can vary from person to person. For me personally, I found that for quite a few topics, I could understand the work by keeping up with classwork/homework. Some other topics required a bit more independent study on my part. Before exams, I always did a fair amount of personal study and before my trials/final exams, I did past papers.