Im just trying to be special by making my own thread.... but hey, does it matter? lol anyways... i have my performance tomorrow, IM SO SCARED!!! i have group and individual... and my teacher didnt turn up to class today because... wait for it... this was really rich... SHE WAS TOO STRESSED!! ARGH!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!
My individual is about a mental patient whose parents died/killed themselves wen she was 12. She kinda went crazy and right now she thinks she is christmas... humourous in some bits, ends with a dark morbid mood.
Our group is about more... its a compilation so its pretty abstract, we are singing carrots at one stage We got pretty lucky with our group, there are bout 10 ppl in our class and 1 person that no one wanted... the other group got stuck with her though. We have 2 classes though... and the other class have had lotsa problems.... two of our groups started all over last week!!!
anyways.... realise now ive been crapping on... so i shall say AU REVOIR ET DEMAIN, JE VAIS MOURIR!!!
PS i had my french speaking exam on monday... so im still pretty crazy :giddy:
Im just trying to be special by making my own thread.... but hey, does it matter? lol anyways... i have my performance tomorrow, IM SO SCARED!!! i have group and individual... and my teacher didnt turn up to class today because... wait for it... this was really rich... SHE WAS TOO STRESSED!! ARGH!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!!
My individual is about a mental patient whose parents died/killed themselves wen she was 12. She kinda went crazy and right now she thinks she is christmas... humourous in some bits, ends with a dark morbid mood.
Our group is about more... its a compilation so its pretty abstract, we are singing carrots at one stage We got pretty lucky with our group, there are bout 10 ppl in our class and 1 person that no one wanted... the other group got stuck with her though. We have 2 classes though... and the other class have had lotsa problems.... two of our groups started all over last week!!!
anyways.... realise now ive been crapping on... so i shall say AU REVOIR ET DEMAIN, JE VAIS MOURIR!!!
PS i had my french speaking exam on monday... so im still pretty crazy :giddy: