Some general tips that can assist you in maximising marks in depth studies include:
1. Being mindful of the learning outcomes:
Depth studies will likely assess you on learning outcomes within "Questioning and predicting" and "Communicating" under Working Scientifically Skills for example:
- Questioning and predicting involves developing hypotheses that can be investigated scientifically, involving primary and secondary data.
- Communicating involves using suitable forms of digital, visual, written and/or oral communication, selecting appropriate scientific language, and using peer feedback to evaluate an argument or conclusion.
2. Delivering a creative depth study:
Depth studies constitute a great way to demonstrate your interest in science. Although you may have a simple idea, you can express it in new ways or may possibly obtain new relevant information about this idea.
Remember to make effective and efficient use of primary and secondary data (where applicable).
An important consideration regarding overall depth studies is having the aim to understand a topic thoroughly instead of widely, which would otherwise suggest that your knowledge of a particular topic may be flawed.
3. Focusing:
As I mentioned above, a depth study is an opportunity for you to explore an area that you are interested in understanding and learning more about. An important factor to consider would be whether your questions and/or hypothesis are too broad.
A high level of focus will allow you to be critical with respect to the analysis you include in your depth study. Consequently, your depth study will contain good quality data, better validation and a favourable conclusion.
I hope this helps!