Hi Royn,
If you've had a look at the rubric you should recognise that having that idea of 'spiritual contentment' is on point already because that is one of the things that can be deferred through making a discovery.
To be more exact, however, it says that "discoveries can offer new understandings and renewed perceptions of ourselves and others" and that is a point most essays try to address. If your trying to just talk about that point alone it would be a good idea to focus on showing how through a discovery a person can come to view themselves and the world differently in a way they feel content... thus achieving 'spiritual contentment'.
I hope that answers your question!
P.s. I wouldn't just focus finding that point alone it is a good idea to realise that discoveries also mean that you can be benefit from seeing 'new worlds and values' through 'emotional, creative, intellectual [and] physical' ways. Just saying, don't narrow down your argument too fast!