OH by the way...latest update. Spent easter in Sardinia, Corsica and Barcelona. Still organising summer, but i'm doing a contiki for half of august, the my dad has a bunch of conferences so i get to go to prague, iceland and barcelona with him, will be amazing. Can't wait for iceland.
The athletics team have adopted me as their gappie, the girls are all sweethearts, well most. My house is the yr 12 one, and they are just going into their final exams so everything is a bit stressed at the moment, will be sad when they go and i get 70 new girls in my house. Thats the short version. I will work on the long one. If you ever get the chance to go to Barcelona, do, its amazing, the nightlife is brilliant, and if you go to Sardinia, write to me and i will explain where the one place to go out is, the rest is dull but we found one good club. Only go to corsica in summer, its kinda dull otherwise...beautiful but dull