awww.. you guys remember how it was like in year 10 rite? i mean... there were those you said "yeah i'll study hear".. but dont ever really do anything(hey, im still like that) and there are those who love to stress bout ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.....
so if you want to stress. go ahead and stress! stress your lil bums off till every single bit of hair on your body turns grey! then... if your lucky, you'll be prematurely bald and totally wrinkly from making those grumpy faces....
so, if you get can do all that.. hopefully once after you get your marks and take a breather... you'll calm down a bit for your hsc...
no matter what you do, stress or just bum around.... make sure your not only happy with what you get.. but that you know you deserved it. dont sook if you a get crap mark but know you didnt give a crap to study...its your own fault!
but trust us in saying this... when its over.. you'll be laughing!
just have to get thru now for later.