Ok I just finished my 1st English (AoS) exam. We've been issued with one of the questions for tomorrow's exam.
Any help or hints would be appreciated.
My question for "critical study of texts" isn't known yet, but somehow we have to incorporate a review (which has already been given to us) into our response. How do I do that??Comparative study of texts - Emma & Clueless
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
- evaluate the relationships between texts and contexts
- organise, develop and express ideas using language appropriate to audience, purpose and form
- ability to develop a sustained argument
Question - 20 marks
You are to write the transcript of a radio interview for the "Board of Studies HSC Student's program" in which you interview Amy Heckerling about her film 'Clueless' and why she chose to use 'Emma'.
Any help or hints would be appreciated.