I asked about whether it would be perferable to know texts that actually have authors, ( i.e. the author is not known) and they said yes..
Just out of interest have any of you heard of a Poem titled The School Caretaker.. because i looking for who actually wrote it, as it is one of my major related text ?
Also have any of you heard about a newspaper article named Gone Bush, in the SMH by Mike Bowers.. any one know when the date was for it.. We were given it in class and we were not given the date.
I asked about whether it would be perferable to know texts that actually have authors, ( i.e. the author is not known) and they said yes..
Just out of interest have any of you heard of a Poem titled The School Caretaker.. because i looking for who actually wrote it, as it is one of my major related text ?
Also have any of you heard about a newspaper article named Gone Bush, in the SMH by Mike Bowers.. any one know when the date was for it.. We were given it in class and we were not given the date.