My teacher is a judge marker and exam writer (she did some questions on the 2012 CSSA paper), and she says:
-Answer every question even you have absolutely no clue, because chances are that'll you get a mark or two along the way. Seriously. My teacher hated me for this at the half yearlies. xD
-They want to give you all the marks they can. The
usually won't penalize you for adding incorrect content, your marks are based on what you get right.
Usually, lol. This is only pertinent to written responses, btw.
Need to ask teacher about this again
-For algorithms, as long as they can see that the logic is sound, and that you've written/drawn it correctly, then you're gonna get good marks. So don't stress about the specifics, just worry about the main logic (but I don't mean completely basic algorithms are fine, it still has to be substantial). However, for the more weighty algorithms, specifics may be necessary.
-Use as much SSTs (subject-specfic terminology) as you can. E.g. for the fetch-execute cycle, use ALU, CU, registers, accumulator, program counter, etc; in addition to the regular fetch, decode, execute, store.
-Be as specific as you can, general answers can only get you so far.
-For DFDs, make sure you label every flow line with the data flowing through it.
-Diagrams and algorithms usually only have to substantially correct to get full marks, albeit a lower-end full mark.
-Make sure you read the questions
thoroughly. At the half yearlies I wrote an (if I might so myself) absolutely epic algorithm, when the question was asking for a DFD (LOL!). And in the trials, I did the 2's complement using 6-bits, when the question specified 8-bits Dx. So yeah, read the questions properly!
-And lastly, the obligatory "Know all the syllabus dot points!"
-oh and also,
UNDERSTAND THAT A PROGRAM COUNTER DOES NOT COUNT PROGRAMS!! XD you have no idea how much times my teacher has told us that xD
Btw, don't quote me any of these. Just trying to remember the stuff she said, and my memory is terrible xD. So there might a few things where I was a bit off, but you get the gist of it.
Good luck to us all.