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Fitna (1 Viewer)


Jul 30, 2007
A dark room, drinking alone.

Fitna is a film by Dutch politician Geert Wilders, leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Dutch parliament. The movie offers his views on Islam and the Qur'an. The film's title comes from the Arabic word fitna which is used to describe "disagreement and division among people", or a "test of faith in times of trial".

Wikipedia excerpts said:
Wilders released the film on March 27, 2008 at 7PM local (Dutch) time on the video website Liveleak. The following day, the website removed the video of the film from the their servers following threats to Liveleak staff.[8] By then however, many other sites had already taken the video from Liveleak and began hosting it. Liveleak released a statement saying;

Following threats to our staff of a very serious nature, and some ill informed reports from certain corners of the British media that could directly lead to the harm of some of our staff, Liveleak.com has been left with no other choice but to remove Fitna from our servers.

This is a sad day for freedom of speech on the net but we have to place the safety and well being of our staff above all else. We would like to thank the thousands of people, from all backgrounds and religions, who gave us their support. They realised LiveLeak.com is a vehicle for many opinions and not just for the support of one.
Perhaps there is still hope that this situation may produce a discussion that could benefit and educate all of us as to how we can accept one anothers culture.
We stood for what we believe in, the ability to be heard, but in the end the price was too high.
Fitna movie said:
Muslims want you to make way for Islam,
but Islam does not make way for you.

The Government insists that you respect Islam,
but Islam has no respect for you.

Islam wants to rule, submit, and seeks
to destroy our western civilization.
I saw the video (linked above) and I have to say, Islam is one bad motherfucker of a religion. We need to get rid of it.

Why are educated, wealthy, otherwise normal people, conspiring to kill other people on the basis of their religion, or lack thereof? The Quran, a fucking book, teaches them to, that's why.

Why do "honour" killings, female genital mutilation, stonings, banning of literature and art, execution of gays still happen today? Because Islam encourages a culture where this is okay, based onthe hateful verses of Islam.

Why can't the Arabs of the Middle East, numbering around 200 million people, beat 7 million Israelis, despite a whole century for them to work their shit? Well, one runs a backward sharia state, and the other a liberal democratic state. One is satisfied by retaining a barbaric 7th century perspective, while another encourages humanity to find its own. One is about destruction and our way, while the other is about development and change.

Okay, this sounds like hate speech right? Perhaps I have this all wrong... maybe what is depicted in the video, isn't representative of the true message of Islam?

Then why the fuck do the so called moderate Muslims let them preach? Where are they? Why aren't they up in fuckin arms over some douchebags high-jacking their religion? Where are the "majority moderates"? No where in sight, that's for fucking sure.

Oct 17, 2006
They should just convert to Christianity, a religion which hasn't been used as justification for war and violence EVAR.

I expect our society could be much more similar to theirs if it weren't for the Enlightenment.

We need to get rid of it.
How do you propose doing that without the very violence you decry?


Feb 7, 2008
Sigh...... Islam must be stopped.:mad:

I suggest nuclear warheads
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Jun 7, 2005
I got 30 for my UAI woo hoo.
Wow, it's funny though....

Muslims rage against those who speak against their religion or their little Prophet, but they don't condemn terrorist acts (esp. killing innocent victims) done by their own people.

Ba'al Shem Tov

يهوه هو الرب
Jul 30, 2007
'He called Islam a religion of violence! Let's kill him to show the world how wrong he is!'

Andrew Bolts:

If Geert Wilders was very wrong about Islam, his film would not cause such panic:
Geert Wilders has released a controversial film about Islam which no TV company would broadcast and some politicians in the Netherlands tried to ban. The Dutch MP has upset the Muslim world before, by calling for a ban on the Koran and likening it to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf.
If Wilders was so wrong about the threat of Islamic intolerance, this wouldn’t be necessary:
The Dutch government raised the national threat level today because of what it said was greater activity in Europe by professional terrorists from Afghanistan and Pakistan. The National Coordinator for Counterterrorism, Tjibbe Joustra, said the Netherlands also had become a more likely target after a legislator announced plans to release a film harshly critical of the Qur’an.
If Wilders was so wrong, this wouldn’t happen:

The anti-Koran film planned by Dutch MP Geert Wilders has led to several threats against his life. This was confirmed by a representative of the Dutch National Coordinator for Counterterrorism following a report in today’s issue of the newspaper, De Telegraaf. The paper reports a death threat found on a website linked to al-Qaeda.

If Wilders was so wrong, he wouldn’t need this:
Wilders now travels everywhere with six bodyguards. He cannot sleep in his own home, but is moved around between various undisclosed safe houses. He sees his wife twice a week, at a safe house. Visitors to his parliament office must be cleared in advance and are thoroughly searched; even ballpoint pens are carefully examined.
If Wilders is so wrong, people wouldn’t be so terrified as to try to ban his film, which does virtually nothing but quote the Koran and Muslim leaders, and show without comment the work of some Muslim groups:
Network Solutions on Saturday suspended a Web site registered by controversial Dutch politician Geert Wilders who said he planned to use the site to host a movie critical of Islam and the Koran.
I’ve seen Wilders’ film, and think it certainly provocative, and not the full picture of Islam in the West at all. If Muslims really were all so threatening, why are there so few terror attacks in Wilders’ home country, where a million Muslims live? Most, I’d suggest from that, just want to live in peace with their fellow Dutchmen and so do.
And yet there is no denying a strand in Islam today that is violent, uncompromising and a threat to the liberal societies of the West - societies that seem more reluctant than ever to defend their most fundamental values.
So I’m with Pete Hoekstra, senior Republican on the US House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence:
Even if the new Wilders film proves newsworthy, it is likely that few members of the Western media will air it, perhaps because they have been intimidated by radical jihadist threats… I defend the right of Mr. Wilders and the media to air this film because free speech is a fundamental right that is the foundation of modern society. Western governments and media outlets cannot allow themselves to be bullied into giving up this precious right due to threats of violence. We must not fool ourselves into believing that we can appease the radical jihadist movement by allowing them to set up parallel societies and separate legal systems, or by granting them special protection from criticism.
I also agree with Pete van Ham:
(Wilders’ film) is a litmus test for European leaders to show that they still believe in their own liberal order.
And not just for European leaders.
So, without endorsing - or completely disowning, for that matter - Wilders’ film, I’m showing it. And if Wilders was so wrong, perhaps I would neither have shown Fitna nor spent so many words to justify doing so:

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