Also the 2001 HSC Crime question was on EXTRADITION! Holy Cow we didnt go over that in detail in class (Say 5 minutes) and its a 4 mark question. Ppl may think im dumb but i do know what extradition is but i wasnt really prepared on a case study (A very dumb case study) on int. law (which is what it seems 2 talk about).
Anyhow its a 4 mark question and it needs 2 incorporate ur understanding of int law, extradtion and the case study 2gether.
Heres the question
Section II Focus Study Crime
25 marks
Attempt Question 17
Allow about 45 minutes for this section
Answer the question in a writing booklet. Extra writing booklets are available.
Start each part of this question on a new page.
Question 17 (25 marks)
John and Sue have criminal records in NSW for using and trafficking in drugs. They
decide to go overseas for a holiday. While they are overseas, the police in NSW charge
John and Sue in relation to further drug offences. Warrants are issued for their arrest
and extradition.
From the stimulus material above and your own knowledge, answer the following:
(a) Using the example of John and Sue, define the meaning of extradition AND
outline the role of extradition in dealing with international crime.
(b) John and Sue are charged with drug offences. Describe other types of crime.
(c) Describe the criminal process that John and Sue might face from the time of
their arrest until the matter is concluded.
(d) Using the example of John and Sue, OR another example, explain how the law
addresses issues concerning the rights of victims, the accused and the
community in relation to crime.
Well just proves that int law will possibly make a big chunk of section 1 and 2 in the exam and so DONT neglect it!