My subject selections for yr11 and 12 are due by the end of today and i'm a little (a lot) lost.
Background Information: I live in NSW. I do quite well in school (straight A's, except PDH but that doesn't count). 90+ atar is the goal. Very indecisive .
I've decided on the follow subjects and for these reasons:
Eng Advanced: Was given the option of adv or ext but the workload for ext seems like a pain in the ass, as well as the major work involved.
Mathematics Standard 2: Was given the option of adv (and heavily "encouraged" to do it, but you have to understand I HATE maths, so much. I know that standard scales awfully but, if I were to do adv maths it would take study time away from my other subjects, I would probably develop severe depression and I wouldn't put the effort in. Also the prospect of studying it brings me sm joy. Hope to get a high band 6 in it.
Biology: I find the subject interesting and wanted to do at least one science subjects (I'm not very fond of Chemistry) and I hope to attend uni overseas and study premed, at least one science subject is a requirement.
Economics: I find the subject interesting (what I've heard about it and read from the curriculum). I have heard that it's very hard though.
SOR 2: My school (Catholic) makes it mandatory for all students to study Religion. I'm not sure whether to do SOR 1 or 2. I've read what SOR 2's content is and find some areas of the curriculum very interesting (search for meaning). But, is it worth taking on a whole other unit because I find certain aspects of the subject interesting? Also, I would like to do 11 units in yr 12, so I have a backup subject and free study periods. So, would i take SOR 2 and drop a unit down.
Ok now we're up to the big question!
What should my final 2 units be??
I'm debating between:
Legal Studies: I find the subject interesting I think, and I have very good reading and writing skills. But, I really don't have the greatest idea what the subject is like practically. I've read about it and have heard such mixed reviews, some people saying it's boring , will ruin your atar (and life). Other saying it's fun, interesting and good for your atar:
Business Studies: Again I've heard mixed reviews some saying its piss easy and others saying its very boring. My teachers have said that the content is very easy to grasp. Also, there are some selfish reasons that come into play, my mum has a doctorate in business and would therefore be a great help.
Business Services VET: This caught my attention because of the work experience hours. I think it would be quite enjoyable. But, I'm really not interested in pursuing business as of now. On the other hand, isn't just beneficial to have the certificate just in case? Something to put on the resume? I'm just concerned on how this will affect my atar, does it scale bad? Is it hard to get a 90+ atar when taking this subject?.
Thank you so much!!
Background Information: I live in NSW. I do quite well in school (straight A's, except PDH but that doesn't count). 90+ atar is the goal. Very indecisive .
I've decided on the follow subjects and for these reasons:
Eng Advanced: Was given the option of adv or ext but the workload for ext seems like a pain in the ass, as well as the major work involved.
Mathematics Standard 2: Was given the option of adv (and heavily "encouraged" to do it, but you have to understand I HATE maths, so much. I know that standard scales awfully but, if I were to do adv maths it would take study time away from my other subjects, I would probably develop severe depression and I wouldn't put the effort in. Also the prospect of studying it brings me sm joy. Hope to get a high band 6 in it.
Biology: I find the subject interesting and wanted to do at least one science subjects (I'm not very fond of Chemistry) and I hope to attend uni overseas and study premed, at least one science subject is a requirement.
Economics: I find the subject interesting (what I've heard about it and read from the curriculum). I have heard that it's very hard though.
SOR 2: My school (Catholic) makes it mandatory for all students to study Religion. I'm not sure whether to do SOR 1 or 2. I've read what SOR 2's content is and find some areas of the curriculum very interesting (search for meaning). But, is it worth taking on a whole other unit because I find certain aspects of the subject interesting? Also, I would like to do 11 units in yr 12, so I have a backup subject and free study periods. So, would i take SOR 2 and drop a unit down.
Ok now we're up to the big question!
What should my final 2 units be??
I'm debating between:
Legal Studies: I find the subject interesting I think, and I have very good reading and writing skills. But, I really don't have the greatest idea what the subject is like practically. I've read about it and have heard such mixed reviews, some people saying it's boring , will ruin your atar (and life). Other saying it's fun, interesting and good for your atar:
Business Studies: Again I've heard mixed reviews some saying its piss easy and others saying its very boring. My teachers have said that the content is very easy to grasp. Also, there are some selfish reasons that come into play, my mum has a doctorate in business and would therefore be a great help.
Business Services VET: This caught my attention because of the work experience hours. I think it would be quite enjoyable. But, I'm really not interested in pursuing business as of now. On the other hand, isn't just beneficial to have the certificate just in case? Something to put on the resume? I'm just concerned on how this will affect my atar, does it scale bad? Is it hard to get a 90+ atar when taking this subject?.
Thank you so much!!