This is copied directly out of Heinemann Activity Manual (prac 5.5)
1. Focus a ruler or graph paper under low power and observe the millimetre markings.
2. Record the diameter of the LP field in millimetres to one decimal place. Convert this to micrometres (multiply by 1000).
3. Calculate the diameter of your HP field and record this in micrometres.
4. focus the prepared slide under LP and distinguish the numerous tiny red cells and the occassional, larger white cells.
5. Focus on HP and observe the cells more closely.
... [unrelated instructions...]
8. Recall the diameter of the field of view and estimate the size of each type of cell.
I wasnt actually in class when we did this prac, which has cost me so many marks in the half yearly and trial
The results of the prac would have been something like;
'the diameter of a HP view is
x, and
y amount of red blood cells fit across the diameter, so
x/y is the size of a red blood cell...'
The size of a red blood cell is around 7 micrometers, and white blood cells can be between 10 and 26 micrometers (my teacher told us that the markers should accept anything between 10 and 26 micrometers)