hey all
just wondering
how much does your internal assess mark at school impact on your HSC??
i mean does your rank at school, your school's rank and how your entire cohort performs influences on ur mark?
does the board scale your internal mark if ur HSC performance is good or do they simply average our your marks and you get the middle...
apparently the board scales ur internal mark to ur HSC performance..
bejesus everyones telling me different things.. oh fuck..
for example,
if ur school assess mark is 80 and your HSC is 95 do you simply get the average or do they scale your school mark coz you hsc performance was considerably better..
an explanation with be INCREDIBLY helpful
eternal thanks for those who reply...
just wondering
how much does your internal assess mark at school impact on your HSC??
i mean does your rank at school, your school's rank and how your entire cohort performs influences on ur mark?
does the board scale your internal mark if ur HSC performance is good or do they simply average our your marks and you get the middle...
apparently the board scales ur internal mark to ur HSC performance..
bejesus everyones telling me different things.. oh fuck..
for example,
if ur school assess mark is 80 and your HSC is 95 do you simply get the average or do they scale your school mark coz you hsc performance was considerably better..
an explanation with be INCREDIBLY helpful
eternal thanks for those who reply...