how fast do they fill up?
i'm preety scared about missing out on my desired tut.. i did prepare a back up for each.
But if your on at the designated time, shouldn't you get everything you want? =/
They fill up pretty fast, but if you have a back up plan or two, it should definitely work out for you
just be quick with those computer clicks.
Oh, and if you have multiple units to register for, one thing you can do is open multiple tabs ^_^ thats what I did, and it worked for me
but if you do do the multiple tab option, make sure your session doesn't time out, because then you have to log in and get to the tutorial page again -.-
Another idea you can possibly utilise, is registering on two different comps at the same time (and have another person on the second comp registering for their designated units). Hope that helps
and good luck!