hey guys 
i'm year 11 going into year 12 very soon and I know this may sound really dumb and you may question what on earth have you been doing this whole time instead of figuring this out? but i have a few questions regarding note taking and study in general
i received some really good notes from my seniors who are doing the hsc soon, but the thing is that i have no idea how i should be using them to study and also how to take my own notes? this sounds like a really dumb question but i genuinely don't know what the right way to study is for content-heavy subjects like biology and pdhpe, whether i should be doing practice questions, hand-writing my own notes into loose leaf paper and storing them in a binder or if that is not efficient at all
and if they should be more exam-focused notes that are more concise and brief? bc for subjects like maths and chem i know that i should be doing practice questions, but I have no clue how to efficiently study for the more content-based subjects and be able to remember all that stuff for the exam.
also for studying the content ahead of class, it would mean that I will have to go over that same content again during class when I have already covered it in my own time, so should i just be ignoring the stuff i learn in class? like i know there are important parts that the teacher will highlight but should i just be carrying on with my own study (ahead of class) and just go back to my notes and highlight the parts that the teacher emphasises in class? so basically what i want to ask about is how to study ahead but also make it relevant to the content that i am learning at school and make use of the class time?
i'm year 11 going into year 12 very soon and I know this may sound really dumb and you may question what on earth have you been doing this whole time instead of figuring this out? but i have a few questions regarding note taking and study in general
i received some really good notes from my seniors who are doing the hsc soon, but the thing is that i have no idea how i should be using them to study and also how to take my own notes? this sounds like a really dumb question but i genuinely don't know what the right way to study is for content-heavy subjects like biology and pdhpe, whether i should be doing practice questions, hand-writing my own notes into loose leaf paper and storing them in a binder or if that is not efficient at all
also for studying the content ahead of class, it would mean that I will have to go over that same content again during class when I have already covered it in my own time, so should i just be ignoring the stuff i learn in class? like i know there are important parts that the teacher will highlight but should i just be carrying on with my own study (ahead of class) and just go back to my notes and highlight the parts that the teacher emphasises in class? so basically what i want to ask about is how to study ahead but also make it relevant to the content that i am learning at school and make use of the class time?