music 2 was pretty good, i was quite surprised about it actually!
melody dictation sucked as usual, but meh i might scrape a 2 or 3 for it. better than a 0, i did get a few bars down so i was happy. Stuffed my essay up big time...very cranky!! i only got 2 pieces to talk about, ran out of time. when the examiner stopped the tape, it was 25 past 4, and i was told pens down at about a quater to 5. i thought we had an hour and a half for the entire exam?? oh well im not complaining, its over now and im ok with it all.
but the questions were very good, u just had to know it really
i agree, where were the naming chord questions and cadences and things!!! i like them!! easy marks
oh well, music is over!! wow, 11 years of work, and its all over and done with.........i never have to touch the piano again! (how sad a thought is that?!!!)