M maths94 Member Joined Jul 14, 2009 Messages 448 Gender Male HSC 1998 Aug 14, 2009 #1 im yr 10 and i am going to do physics next year. Is there any book or any information on the internet which basically introduces physics.
im yr 10 and i am going to do physics next year. Is there any book or any information on the internet which basically introduces physics.
iRuler Premium Member Joined Oct 13, 2008 Messages 6,730 Location 3.141592654 Gender Male HSC 2010 Uni Grad 2014 Aug 14, 2009 #2 Just go over a year 11 text book, start from module 1, and go to module 4, you'll be done before you even start it at school lol
Just go over a year 11 text book, start from module 1, and go to module 4, you'll be done before you even start it at school lol
A Amogh Member Joined May 16, 2009 Messages 751 Gender Undisclosed HSC N/A Aug 14, 2009 #3 same boat as you just read through the prelimniary book its shit easy
lpodnano 5eva alone Joined Mar 6, 2008 Messages 1,561 Location ;) Gender Female HSC 2011 Aug 14, 2009 #4 If you don't want to buy a textbook visit your local library.
Mudkip94 Member Joined Aug 1, 2009 Messages 289 Location Your Mom Gender Male HSC 2011 Aug 19, 2009 #5 It's really easy stuff, pretty much everything we've done in Year 9 & 10.