All information gathered will only to be used for school perposes.
All resposes are greatly appreciated
please place an x in all boxes that apply thankyou
1. age:[] under 18 [] 18>25 [] over 25
2. gender: []male/[]female
3. location:[] rural/[] coastal/[] city
[] less than 10000people
[] 10000 to 50000
[] more than 50000
4. are you aware of someone that selfharms including yourself?[] yes/[] no
5. if so have they chosen to seek help? [] yes/[] no
6. if not why?
[]don't want to [] afraid [] not able to access help in your area [] tried and couldn't get through
long waiting list
7. if yes what type of assistance?
[] phone help line [] local GP
[] hospital [] councellor
[] pychiatrist []other........................
8. where these services helpful? [] yes/[] no
9. how did you hear about these services?
[] doctor [] advertising [] family/friends
10. do you think self harm is a common issue for teenagers?
thankyou for completeing my servey
All resposes are greatly appreciated
please place an x in all boxes that apply thankyou
1. age:[] under 18 [] 18>25 [] over 25
2. gender: []male/[]female
3. location:[] rural/[] coastal/[] city
[] less than 10000people
[] 10000 to 50000
[] more than 50000
4. are you aware of someone that selfharms including yourself?[] yes/[] no
5. if so have they chosen to seek help? [] yes/[] no
6. if not why?
[]don't want to [] afraid [] not able to access help in your area [] tried and couldn't get through
long waiting list
7. if yes what type of assistance?
[] phone help line [] local GP
[] hospital [] councellor
[] pychiatrist []other........................
8. where these services helpful? [] yes/[] no
9. how did you hear about these services?
[] doctor [] advertising [] family/friends
10. do you think self harm is a common issue for teenagers?
thankyou for completeing my servey