i thought it was really good! i found listening hard... as per usual... ive never been good at it ! but the other sections were great!
Luckily took a peek at the French exam that a friend did last week.. and prepared myself for the quirky questions! These wernt as bad as the french, but i found they were lil similar!
Great exam.. it wasnt too easy or too hard. tested your knowledge well and will discriminate...
like every1 i chose 13a and 14a.. wait, maybe ive forgotten the option number i chose! 13a/14a was the chick with the money problems and the reflection on friends wasnt it? idont remember!
as if any1 wrote a report! that woulda bin hard !
Originally posted by cassiekate
it really was a good exam!
(although as per usual, my writing topics were so tacky! I'm surprised i never get 0 for writing such corny and cliched things!!)
im soooo the same with you on that one.. i talked about how i had a drug problem in school.. and how my friends changed my life forever! so fulla shit! (Im the queen of bullshit.. thats why i loved the bio exam today... bullshitararmar!!)
reading and responding was a hard one.. i was trying to avoid object pronouns when talking about that guy stephen.. but then i had to use piacere.. and that was too hard as well! they were trying to trap us into piacere/object pronouns not fair!!!