Looking back at what I did in the unseens, I think I did three to four mistakes. In the Vergil unseen, I forgot to translate 'Sychaeum' - I left the sentence as "he impious before the altars and blind with the love of gold secretly conquered the incautious with his sword". I can't believe I did that! Oh well, that is one mark gone.
The other mistake I did was the last line of the Vergil. I found 'aegram/multa malus simulans vana spe lusit amantem' a bit of a challenge and I didn't take 'aegram' with 'amantem', but rather put 'aegram' as the object of 'simulans' - silly boy!
Hopefully for that I'll still get 7/8.
The Livy unseen was very good except the sentence 'velut numine aliquo defensa castra oppugnare iterm religio' where I forgot what 'religio' meant and I translated it as 'divinity' - which doesn't really carry the same meaning. So I probably lost a mark for that sentence.
The grammar was very easy as always and the translations were all good. The commentary questions were so much easier than the trial, which asked very specific stuff. These were nice and general. Hopefully for the essay questions I'd do well, but you never know. I think for the Livy one I was slightly light of linguistic analysis, although I answered the question well. For Vergil, I don't think I wrote enough points or had enough detail, so perhaps I'll lose a mark for each.
All in all, my mark prediction is 95/1005 - which should scale very well. At best, if I don't lose a mark for the commentary and they are lenient with the unseens (i.e. only one mark off for each) - 98.
I've really enjoyed Latin this year - it is by far my favourite subejct.