Hi, has anyone here been to Melbourne Uni's master of electrical eng program? I thought to apply at Melb uni because I would love to be in Melbourne, but last night I happened to see the course plan of Master(EE) program. I lost interest after finding its program focus is on communication and electronics, not in power eng. Just have a look at its course plan https://handbook.unimelb.edu.au/view/2012/!H05-AA-SPC+1005 .
Unlike Melb uni, UNSW has full major option for power eng. and I've received an offer a few days ago. Although I would have loved to be in Melbourne, because of power specialization I will stick to UNSW.
BTW to electrical engs, which field you like most - power, electronics or communication? And why?
Unlike Melb uni, UNSW has full major option for power eng. and I've received an offer a few days ago. Although I would have loved to be in Melbourne, because of power specialization I will stick to UNSW.
BTW to electrical engs, which field you like most - power, electronics or communication? And why?