It says "If N/A appears instead of a cut-off, a cut-off is not applicable because either selection criteria other
than or in addition to the UAI are used or the course is not offered to 2008 Year 12 applicants."
in the document, and its got a (V) next to it to, so it must be being offered to 08 students, and im sure this subject (Diploma of Science, Engineering and Technology at UNSW) has a uai cuttoff :S
Also, when are the 2nd round offers coming out?
than or in addition to the UAI are used or the course is not offered to 2008 Year 12 applicants."
in the document, and its got a (V) next to it to, so it must be being offered to 08 students, and im sure this subject (Diploma of Science, Engineering and Technology at UNSW) has a uai cuttoff :S
Also, when are the 2nd round offers coming out?