Next year's student Publication (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 24, 2008
2004 said:
U@MQ Student Publication

Calling all budding editors, designers and publication managers!

U@MQ is calling for nominations for the editorial team that will produce the Macquarie University Student Publication in 2009. We are looking for:

3 Editors/Subeditors – responsible for determining themes for the publication, collecting articles to be published, writing regular columns, and editing and revising all articles. Editors will also work with the Graphics/Layout Designers on placement of articles in the publication layout. Candidates should have demonstrated journalistic and proof-reading skills.

3 Graphics/Layout Designers – responsible for the design and creation of the cover and interior appearance of the publication, placement of text and graphics in the publication layout, pagination, and liaison with printers. Graphics/Layout staff should have previous experience of publication design and print processes; knowledge of Adobe InDesign software would be an advantage.

1 Advertising Assistant – responsible for selling advertising space in the publication, budget monitoring, general management of the publication and liaison with U@MQ. The advertising manager should have proven sales and financial acumen.

All candidates should have a demonstrated commitment to increasing student engagement at Macquarie, understand the diversity of the university community, work well within a team, and be able to meet deadlines often working under pressure.

Members of the editorial team will receive a modest honorarium depending on role, number and size of issues). It is estimated that between 10-20 hours work would be needed to produce each issue.

All members of the editorial team will be required to work within the University’s Ethical Framework and to sign the Student Publication Code of Conduct prior to taking up their appointment.

For full job descriptions, application form and Code of Conduct, please click the links on the right.

Deadline for applications is Monday 20th October 2008.

Please direct any enquiries to
Ruth Tregale
T: 9850 7600
Editorial Position Description

Design Position Description

Advertising Assistant Position Description

Application Form

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