Hi there! I do 2nd year elec eng at unsw, but know a few people doing pv.
from what i understand, the industry is not huge at the moment, but there is obviously going to be good growth over the next 5-10 years.
the photovoltaics degree is well structured at unsw, because you get to choose a strand such as electrical engineering, or maths/physics to focus on as well. This is good since there are not many jobs specifically for pv engineers, so having a well rounded degree will mean you will be qualified for many other positions as well.
read about the unsw pv degree here
unsw is the place to do engineering, and even though the elec eng building itself is a bit run down, the labs are all pretty well equipped and i believe there are a lot of other good facilities which many unis don't have.
good luck for the rest of year 11 and try not to stress too much over the hsc