See how the investigation into the bulldogs cost them they say $500,000, and then they cant prove a case against the club?
isnt that a bit unreasonable?
maybe until people are proven guility should there names be protected?
even being allledged of committing a crime, can enormously smear ur name.
does anyone know, why the police are being investigated about the phone tapping relating to the bull dogs??
also does anyone know, how the federal police can travel over seas and spy on the bali 9 ---- they are aloud to do that? whos rules would they follow, i dont think our police should have juristiction to go to other countries to spy on australians ----?
I heard something our police cant help another country get a conviction resulting in a death penalty? does anyone know anything about this --------- could there have beeen a breach of law by our police in this case.
A lawyer said that, if the destination was australia, and we knew about the drugs etc and they were on there way here -------------- they should alllow them to come here and to charge the people.
I think the government did this simply for political purposes to bolster our relations with bali -- which shits me.
does indonesia tortore ppple for confessions? ?? what sort of human rights violations are they accussed of? what happened with timorise???????????????????/
these things should be taken into account before our government turns over our citizens to scum bag governments.
isnt that a bit unreasonable?
maybe until people are proven guility should there names be protected?
even being allledged of committing a crime, can enormously smear ur name.
does anyone know, why the police are being investigated about the phone tapping relating to the bull dogs??
also does anyone know, how the federal police can travel over seas and spy on the bali 9 ---- they are aloud to do that? whos rules would they follow, i dont think our police should have juristiction to go to other countries to spy on australians ----?
I heard something our police cant help another country get a conviction resulting in a death penalty? does anyone know anything about this --------- could there have beeen a breach of law by our police in this case.
A lawyer said that, if the destination was australia, and we knew about the drugs etc and they were on there way here -------------- they should alllow them to come here and to charge the people.
I think the government did this simply for political purposes to bolster our relations with bali -- which shits me.
does indonesia tortore ppple for confessions? ?? what sort of human rights violations are they accussed of? what happened with timorise???????????????????/
these things should be taken into account before our government turns over our citizens to scum bag governments.