Elective: Powerplay
- What insights into the nature of politics have you gained from the depiction of power relationships?
- Powerplay is often unpredictable and we can never assume that our plans will come to fruition.
- Poor judgments, arrogance and manipulation are central issues in the understanding of powerplay.
- Human relationships, whether in the public or private arena, are about power and control. To what extent do your focus text and the supplementary texts study this issue?
- Powerplay is all about how the devious prey on the decent. Is this a fair comment?
- Powerplay pre-supposes the dangerous and transitory nature of power. To what extent is this true?
- The nature of powerplay is that it is cyclic. Discuss.
- Politics and powerplay are inseparably linked. Show how this is so in reference to Julius Caesar and two other related texts.