" Compare qualititavely the number of free electrons that can drift from atom to atom in conductors, semiconductors and insulators "
Syllabus dotpoint 3.T.4, is this referring to the ease of movement between the valence/conduction bands, through to higher energy states etc.. (eg: conductors - many electrons, bands overlap hence movement into higher bands relatively easy for electrons when under influence of electric field, semiconductors - energy required to move into conduction band, lower quantity of electron movement into conduction band, insulator - little-no flowing of electron into higher energy states)? As information regarding the physical amount of electrons that are free to 'drift' isnt in my textbook!
Thanks ..
Syllabus dotpoint 3.T.4, is this referring to the ease of movement between the valence/conduction bands, through to higher energy states etc.. (eg: conductors - many electrons, bands overlap hence movement into higher bands relatively easy for electrons when under influence of electric field, semiconductors - energy required to move into conduction band, lower quantity of electron movement into conduction band, insulator - little-no flowing of electron into higher energy states)? As information regarding the physical amount of electrons that are free to 'drift' isnt in my textbook!
Thanks ..