The following table contains a number of metaphor examples contained in King Richard III:
"... God ... hath plagued thy bloody deed."
This quote shows the religiosity of people in the Elizabethan Period; this metaphor shows the belief in providentialism: God will interfere with human events
“I have not that alacrity of spirit.”
This quote indicates that Richard’s villainy has taken its toll on him - he has lost the liveliness of his spirit.
"True hope is swift, and flies with swallow's wings; Kings it makes gods, and meaner creatures kings."
This quote showcases the theme of chaos and order present in Richard III.
"Our strong arms be our conscience, swords our law."
This quote conveys the themes of morality of power, both of which are present in Richard III.
"The King's name is a tower of strength."
This quote aims to foreground the power of King Richard III, hence making it relevant to the theme of power present in this text.