I know this has probably been asked & discussed many times before
but i cant find any threads, so im asking again.
Im really confused about the ranking system
so weve had our first assessment
the top mark was 20/20
and i got 19/20
three people got 20/20
does that place me fourth ?
ive been told it does and im pretty peed, because it was just ONE mark:mad1:
and i remember reading something about differences between marks in ranks
thing is; i cant remember if it has an impact or not
so considering the diff between our marks is 1
does that mean even though im 4th it will still have a big impact
or not as much ?
im full burning.
one mark puts me down 3 placess
thats soo rigged mannn
they shd b equal 1st's and then i should be second

anyways any one that knows,
enlighten me please
id really like to know

but i cant find any threads, so im asking again.
Im really confused about the ranking system
so weve had our first assessment
the top mark was 20/20
and i got 19/20
three people got 20/20
does that place me fourth ?
ive been told it does and im pretty peed, because it was just ONE mark:mad1:
and i remember reading something about differences between marks in ranks
thing is; i cant remember if it has an impact or not
so considering the diff between our marks is 1
does that mean even though im 4th it will still have a big impact
or not as much ?
im full burning.
one mark puts me down 3 placess
thats soo rigged mannn
they shd b equal 1st's and then i should be second
anyways any one that knows,
enlighten me please
id really like to know