Hello NizDiz. I hope you are well. The correct spelling is Khaybar, it is a historic place in Islamic history located in the Arabian peninsula where the famous Battle of Khaybar took place. On a side note "Khyber" is derived from the famous Khyber Pass linking the tribal areas of Pakistan (FATA) and Afghanistan.
The restaurant in question is an Afghani restaurant.
The address is 64 Auburn Road, Auburn, NSW 2144.
Phone Number: (02) 8084 7805
facebook page:
Walk from the station is approximately 5-10 minutes.
Unfortunately you won't be able to find the restaurant on google maps as there is confusion - don't get confused, the Iranian restaurant (VATAN restaurant) is located at 65 auburn road, not 64 auburn road, as if you type 64 auburn road in street view - it will link you to VATAN restaurant. The image from Street view is 5 years old and very much outdated. Khaybar and Vatan are two separate distinct restaurants. Best thing to do is to walk along Auburn Road and find it yourself.