Forget Aerospace?
Ausrralia is enjoying a resources boom that has made its economy strong whilst many OECD economies are screwed. If Australia hasn't got its mountains of iron ore, coal, other minerals and LNG then its economy will be also screwed. Its industry/manufacturing is unable to compete.
So while the boom is ongoing there are a lot of jobs for mining/LNG related industries. I myself do not know what these jobs are. But I guess there would be, on top of the lots of welders, drilling hands etc, there would be openings for mining-type engineering(including geotechnical) and geology-related engineering (mining Engg). I think civil and mechanical is also good. But I'm only speculating.
Contact the Mining and Oil & Gas industry bodies (e.g. APPEA - Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association).
I don't know what one would do in Australia with Aerospace Engg? Australia has no aerospace industry. The founder of Matrix Education (H J Kim?) makes more money from coaching industry than his Aerospace training. Ronnknee may know something here and correct me.