It's disgusting the way some teachers carry on like the HSC doesnt reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaally matter..
my friend's art teacher... my god.... for their major body of work, they had an assesment where they had to get up in front of a panel including the art teacher, the deputy principal and the head of performing arts, and talk about their B.O.W and be interviewed and shit....
All along the teacher was telling my friend that she LOVED her concepts, and that she was on top of things, and then at the interview assessment the bitch changed her mind, THEN AND THERE and failed her. wouldnt you think that she would have come up BEFOREHAND and said, "you need to fix this up to maximise marks."????
To make matters worse, when my mate appealed the mark... the teacher put in a complaint against her and now she's in even more shit. I think it's time the board of education sat up and started listening to us when we say there's a problem.