For your circumstances it depends on the perform of your cohort as other people have stated. If your cohort performs very well - which it seems you do have a strong cohort from what I noticed on another thread, you will be fine. Take this for example: NOTE I'M NOT AN EXPERT ON SCALING SO THIS EXPLAINATION COULD BE OFF. THIS IS JUST FROM WHAT I HAVE READ AND HEARD FROM OTHER PEOPLE.
Student A is completing Chemistry at School A. The cohort has around 12 people and their rank is 7/12. However, the grade average is 81% and Student A earned 91% in their exams as an average. Since the cohort has done very well everyone will be scaled up (I'm not super accurate with scaling so bare with me here and I'm sorry for screwing up with the scaling) which will be very benefical for Student A's ATAR. Student B is completing Chemistry as well at School B. They are at the top of their cohort 1/12 with a 80% average, yet, the class average is 42%. This won't be beneficial as Student B will be scaled up as the outlier (not as much as Student A) but the cohort average can bring them down. Student B will still receive the top rank and marks but this will impact their ATAR due to the poor performance of the cohort.
- Basically to answer your question: You should be aiming for high ranks BUT if your cohort is doing very well (this is if people in your classes and you are pulling in 80% - 100% for all your subejcts/exams) and you aren't in the top 3 don't be disheartened. All you need to do is just make sure you continue pulling in strong marks (this is if you and other people are pulling in 80% - 100% for all your subejcts/exams). If your cohort isn't too good (low percentage averages around 50% or less) aim for top three - more importantly make sure you're the outlier. If you're first with 91% and the average of the cohort is 55% then you'll be safe.
Ranks are important, I know how you are feeling with the pressure as well. What you need to ask yourself is - how does everyone else go with their exams? If they are doing very well (like a high average some schools receive 70% - 95% averages) then it is all okay, but do make sure you are keeping up with your class average. No celebration if you're saying "hey our Physics class average is 81% but I'm pulling in 42% for an average and everyong else is pulling in 95% averages". However, if your cohort is perfoming badly - not the "70% I'm a failure" attitude - around below 50% then you should be aiming for 1st or 2nd place ranking to be the outlier and not be scaled down completely.
All the best for your subjects - notice you're an Extension 2 Math student too

- just work hard, DON'T BURN OUT, you'll be fine and definetly achieve your goal.