Hey. everyone,
I was recently asked to have an interview for St John's College for next year, as I am a rural student and cannot make it into the university I will be doing it over the phone.
Just wondering if anyone has any tips or hints? I am excited for both the interview and the opportunity to live there next year, I just don't want to stuff up!
Also, anyone who does live at St John's (or any colleges in fact) how does it rate?
Thanks heaps,
Hey there, I was also a rural student so I did college interviews over phone/skype depending. And I am a current USYD college student.
I did not apply for St Johns, so I do not know the *exact* interview process there.
General Tips:
*Be confident
*Listen to the questions carefully so as to not do a ramble-y response
*Do your research on the college (I'll elaborate further down here)
What I anticipate they'd ask you:
*Academics-how you went in school, what you hope to study at uni, do you have a back up course, long term plan for tertiary study/career etc.
*Do you work/do you plan to work during uni?
*What are your attitudes to alcohol?
*Sport-Do you play any sports/to what level?
*Arts/Culture-Do you do any cultural activities/to what level?
These questions than normally lead to questions like:
*What events/programs would you like to get involved in at college?
So this is where it pays to know a bit about each college you are applying to, so say if you said you were a swimmer, you could be all like 'I would like to compete in the Rawson for swimming and would like to join *insert St John's initiative* here.
*What would you gain from living at college?
*What questions do you have about the college? (Always good to have one to ask to show you've thought about it)
*What are your personal strengths?
*What experiences/attributes do you think would be good for living in a community aspect?
*Leadership-what do you think leadership is? What leadership positions have you held? (N.B if yu haven't had any leadership experince you can always say you think you can be a leader everyday by having positive and polite atittudes etc.
That's pretty run of the gauntlet of what they'll ask of you. Most colleges you'll just talk to one of the higher ups (VP, P, Secretary etc.) for about 20-25 mins. Some colleges you may also have a second part where a current student talks to you.
They are pretty stock standard, I did a lot because I applied to four unis-and I was accepted/short listed to quite a few, so hopefully this guide is of use

Let me know if you have anymore questions about USYD college life or applications-anything specific to John's I could perhaps ask one of my John's friends