Has anyone done/looked at the STANSW trial? There seems to be so many problems with it, e.g.
Too much text tor read
Using f=mv^2/r as part of the specimen solution instead of F=Gm1m2/r^2 (which appear to give a different solution)
Rockets seemingly not changing any significant amount mass even as it runs out of fuel?
A stationery observer on Earth with a powerful telescope checking out clocks and mass of spacecraft 0.92 lightyears away?
Too much text tor read
Using f=mv^2/r as part of the specimen solution instead of F=Gm1m2/r^2 (which appear to give a different solution)
Rockets seemingly not changing any significant amount mass even as it runs out of fuel?
A stationery observer on Earth with a powerful telescope checking out clocks and mass of spacecraft 0.92 lightyears away?