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State Ranking Science/Math Tutoring + Comprehensive Notes (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 24, 2020

I'm offering tutoring through ZOOM for Math Advanced, Math Ext 1 and Math Ext 2 as well as Chemistry, Biology and Investigating Science for Yr 11 and 12 students

Academic Achievements:
  • 6th in the State for Investigating Science in 2021
  • Band 6’s in Investigating Science and SOR I as a year 11 accelerant
  • 2022 Dux of Patrician Brothers’ College
  • Ranked 1st in all HSC subjects taken (English Advanced, Math Ext 1, Math Ext 2, Chemistry, Biology, Investigating Science and Studies of Religion I)
Teaching Methods:
1) Implementing unique productivity tips to maximize study efficiency
2) Following the syllabus dot-points and ensuring all examinable content has been learnt
3) Understanding and then mastering content by exploring concepts in-depth rather than memorizing processes
4) Refining exam technique and time management in order to minimize marks lost to careless errors
5) Making personalized tests/quizzes based on past HSC exams and trial papers and using them to gauge your understanding of the module and adapt the content of lessons accordingly

What makes me unique from many other tutors, particularly in the sciences, is my inherent understanding of the scientific skills which the new HSC syllabuses place heavy emphasis on, particularly in the exams. During lessons, I will ensure to sharpen your application of scientific skills as well as problem solving skills in order to attain an in-depth integrated understanding of concepts, which is a far superior learning method than simply rote learning the information.

Prices (ZOOM tutoring - includes access to notes and anki decks)
- $40/h for individual 1 on 1 tutoring
- $30/h for small groups of 2-3, so feel free to invite your friends

I am also offering comprehensive notes that I spent hours curating to ensure consistently high marks throughout years 11 and 12. Notes are concise yet detailed and competently addresses every dot point for all syllabuses.

Notes Available:
  • HSC Investigating Science Notes (6th in State in 2021, 1st in cohort) – 70 pages - $20
  • Preliminary Investigating Science Notes - $10
  • HSC Biology Notes (1st in cohort) – 79 pages - $20
  • Preliminary Biology Notes – $10
  • HSC Chemistry Notes (1st in cohort) - 120 pages - $20
  • Preliminary Chemistry Complete Notes - $10
  • HSC English Notes on All Modules (1st in cohort) (Common Module: 1984, Module A: The Tempest and Hagseed, Module B: T.S Eliot, Module C: Love & Honour & Pity & Pride & Compassion & Sacrifice, A Home in Fiction and What Time is it Now Where You Are?) - $20
  • HSC Studies of Religion I Notes: (Band 6 in 2021, 1st in cohort) (Post 1945, Islam: Al-Ghazali/Environmental Ethics/Hajj, Christianity: Pope John XXIII, Bio Ethics/Saturday and Sunday Worship) - $10

Individual Modules can be sold at a cheaper price!

Flashcard Decks covering all syllabus dot points are also available. Utilising flashcards is an effective way to retain information in the long term memory, and can be efficient to use whilst studying.

Flashcard (Anki) Decks Available: All sold at $10
  • HSC Investigating Science
  • Preliminary Investigating Science
  • HSC Biology
  • HSC Chemistry
  • HSC Studies of Religion I
If you are interested contact: pavisai1905@gmail.com

Good luck for all your future studies,

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