hmm this is difficult
but then again Tooheyz u've helped me b4 so i'll try to help
stem cell research is research utilising stem cells.. ie cells with the entire human genome.. but its not specialised yet.. so various genes have to be turned on or off depending on what kinda cell is gonna be
but i think stem cell research lies somewhere along the line of cloning.. thus cloning is creating exact identical genetic copies of something else
so think about it.. if for example one specoes suddenly had all these organisms that were genetically identical, it would in fact be reducing the gene pool overall, and the genetic diversity and biodiversity would be reduced...
as a result, if some wiered killer disease would come thru, the lack in variations could lead to a susceptibilit to that disease, and it could kill many of that species
so back to humans.. stem cell research could possibly lead to the elimination of genetic disorders such as CF (cystic fibrosis on the CFTR gene) etc. and this could like i said b4 result in a less diverse human race
but i'm having trouble making a clear connection between stem cell research and biodiversity.. i can connect cloning and biodiverstiy together.. ahh my brain
anywayz that makes me feel like i've actually learnt something in class
*trots off to do bio assessment task ( wink wink its the meiosis and protein synthesis one Tooheyz.. i might dig up that old thread to have a look)