Ok, early on in the course our teacher handed out a lot of sheets on writing, etc to everyone in the class regardless of what medium they were doing (as all but two are doing short stories anyway), and asked us to do the writing exercises that were in them. They were all "write a paragraph on..." or "write a paragraph using...".
Anyways, have you guys done anything like this? If so, what have you written?
Here's some of my stuff. Please keep in mind that I was being totally not serious.
(The quote is the activity. The stuff in bold is the original paragraph.)
'Twas a bright and, surprisingly, sunny morning, with the sun shining, causing the brightness of the day to become evident. It was a day of such beauty where it was hard to supress the urge to go and frolic with the fairies and gingerbread men in fields of daisies. Fortunately for me, I didn't need to supress that urge, as one of the Hounds of Hades bounded across the road. OK, OK, it was a black labrador loping across the road... towards me. I would tell from the motions of its lope that it was hungry and thirsty, and being the animal lover I am, I strode to meet it. I would nourish the beast with my flesh and blood if need be. Who needs an arm and bodily fluids anyway?
The boy walked through the park. He was cold. He began to get scared. He turned back.
As he walked through the Antarctic "nature reserve" he began to get an inkling of fear. He wasn't scared of the cold, but with a bladder as full as his, he didn't want to take any risks. It was one of those days where you had to pee real quick. Whip it out, do your stuff, and whip it back in before you end up with an icicle pokin' out of your pants. The throught of stabbing someone in the leg had always frightened him and he began to wish he was back home on the can where he could take his time. As these thoughts ran through his mind something clicked, and he turned back towards his home.
There was more which I might post later, but due to lack of copy/paste I lost the other one I did.
Anyways, what stupid stuff do you guys have?
Anyways, have you guys done anything like this? If so, what have you written?
Here's some of my stuff. Please keep in mind that I was being totally not serious.
(The quote is the activity. The stuff in bold is the original paragraph.)
It was a beautiful summer's day. The big dog ran across the road. Its coat was as black as night. It was hungry and thirsty. I went towards it.Use the above activities to change the following, very dull paragraphs, into something far more creative. Feel free to add detail! You should find your new paragraphs are much longer.
'Twas a bright and, surprisingly, sunny morning, with the sun shining, causing the brightness of the day to become evident. It was a day of such beauty where it was hard to supress the urge to go and frolic with the fairies and gingerbread men in fields of daisies. Fortunately for me, I didn't need to supress that urge, as one of the Hounds of Hades bounded across the road. OK, OK, it was a black labrador loping across the road... towards me. I would tell from the motions of its lope that it was hungry and thirsty, and being the animal lover I am, I strode to meet it. I would nourish the beast with my flesh and blood if need be. Who needs an arm and bodily fluids anyway?
The boy walked through the park. He was cold. He began to get scared. He turned back.
As he walked through the Antarctic "nature reserve" he began to get an inkling of fear. He wasn't scared of the cold, but with a bladder as full as his, he didn't want to take any risks. It was one of those days where you had to pee real quick. Whip it out, do your stuff, and whip it back in before you end up with an icicle pokin' out of your pants. The throught of stabbing someone in the leg had always frightened him and he began to wish he was back home on the can where he could take his time. As these thoughts ran through his mind something clicked, and he turned back towards his home.
There was more which I might post later, but due to lack of copy/paste I lost the other one I did.
Anyways, what stupid stuff do you guys have?