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Summary of Social and Ethical Issues (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 18, 2012
Blue Mountains
Found a HUGE document (well, medium) that will help anyone stuck on finding a social/ethical issue for their system.


there is some weird html/bb code formatting in this post so if its gon' crazy, uh, DEAL. The link to the original is Right up there.

Summary of Social and Ethical Issues

  • privacy of the individual – security of data and information
  • accuracy of data and information
  • changing nature of work
  • appropriate information use
  • health and safety
  • copyright laws

Social and ethical issues in collecting

  • bias in the choice of what and where to collect data
  • accuracy of the collected data
  • copyright and acknowledgment of source data when collecting
  • the rights to privacy of individuals on whom data is collected
  • ergonomic issues for participants entering large volumes of data into an information system

Social and ethical issues associated with organising

  • current trends in organising data, such as:
  • the increase in hypermedia as a result of the world wide web
  • the ability of software to access different types of data
  • a greater variety of ways to organise resulting from advances in display technology
  • the cost of poorly organised data, such as redundant data in a database used for mail-outs
  • the appropriateness of a two digit date field at a time when storage and processing was more expensive, versus the current inappropriateness

Social and ethical issues associated with analysis

  • unauthorised analysis of data
  • data incorrectly analysed
  • erosion of privacy from linking databases for analysis

Social and ethical issues associated with storing/retrieving

  • the security of stored data
  • unauthorised retrieval of data
  • advances in storage and retrieval technologies and new uses such as data matching

Social and ethical issues associated with processing

  • types of computers on networks
  • flexibility from the distributed processing of personal computers on networks
  • security from the centralised processing of network computers (terminals)
  • ownership of processed data
  • bias in the way participants in the system process data

Social and ethical issues associated with transmitting and receiving
  • accuracy of data received from the Internet
  • security of data being transferred
  • net-etiquette
  • acknowledgment of data source
  • global network issues, time zones, date fields, exchange rates
  • changing nature of work for participants, such as work from home and telecommuting
  • current developments and future trends in digital communications, radio and television
  • the impact of the Internet on traditional business

Social and ethical issues associated with displaying
  • communication skills of those presenting displays
  • past, present and emerging trends in displays
  • appropriate displays for a wide range of audiences, including:
  • standards for display for the visually impaired
  • displays suitable for young children

Social and ethical issues associated with Planning, Design and Implementation

  • machine-centred systems simplify what computers do at the expense of participants
  • human-centred systems as those that make participants’ work as effective and satisfying as possible
  • how the relationships between participants change as a result of the new system
  • ensuring the new system provides participants with a safe work environment
  • awareness of the impact the system may have on the participants:
  • opportunities to use their skills
  • meaningful work
  • need for change
  • opportunities for involvement and commitment

Social and ethical issues related to information systems and databases

  • acknowledgment of data sources
  • the freedom of information act
  • privacy principles
  • accuracy of data and the reliability of data sources
  • access to data, ownership and control of data
  • new trends in the organisation, processing, storage and retrieval of data such as data warehousing and data-mining

Social and ethical issues related to communication systems

  • the use of communication systems to share knowledge, not just data
  • issues related to messaging systems
  • ideas delivered by this means appear less forceful and caring than ideas delivered personally
  • danger of being misinterpreted
  • power relationships
  • privacy and confidentiality
  • electronic junk mail
  • information overload
  • implications of Internet trading including:
  • local taxation laws
  • employment ramifications
  • nature of business
  • trading over the Internet and its commercial implications
  • the difficulties of censoring content on the Internet
  • issues arising from Internet banking, including:
  • security of banking details
  • changing nature of work
  • branch closure and job loss
  • the removal of physical boundaries by enabling:
  • work from home
  • virtual organisations, ie organisations structured around the communication system
  • removal of national and international barriers to trade
  • how participants are supported:
  • individuals by providing a means for communication
  • participant teams by enabling the exchange of ideas and data
  • the emerging trend of accessing media such as radio and video across the Internet

Social and ethical issues related to multimedia systems

  • copyright: the acknowledgment of source data and the ease with which digital data can be modified
  • appropriate use of the Internet and the wide spread application of new developments on it such as live video data
  • the merging of radio, television, communications and the Internet with the increase and improvements in digitisation
  • the integrity of the original source data in educational and other multimedia systems

Social and ethical issues related to transaction processing systems

  • changing nature of work and the effect on participants, including:
  • the automation of jobs once performed by clerks
  • the bypassing of clerks by people in the environment performing their former roles
  • (Eg collecting now done by customers using the bank's ATM machines instead of via the bank clerk)
  • the need for non-computer procedures to deal with transactions when the computer is not available in real time systems
  • bias in data collection:
  • when establishing the system and deciding what data to collect
  • when collecting data
  • the importance of data in transaction processing, including:
  • data security
  • data accuracy
  • data integrity
  • control in transaction processing and the implications it has for participants in the system


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