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Swap notes (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 15, 2003
I went to this course and they said u should swap notes with ppl from other schools so you get a variuety and stand out from your school. I'm doing:
-change in self: Harwood
-Brave New World Blade Runner
-King Lear
My email is:
and i'd love to swap sheets etc...


Jul 7, 2002
Uni Grad
how bout u send ur notes to one of the administrators or moderators to put up on the site, then everyone can use them
that way more ppl can have access to them


New Member
Mar 15, 2003

well in theory i've used the word SWAP not give. I want to find some1 else doing basically the same topics so we can swap notes. If everyone has my notes doesn't that defeat any sense of orginality which was my aim!!


aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Jul 28, 2002
The concept behind Bored of Studies is to provide a resource for all HSC students. It works on an entirely unselfish principle, and the amount of notes and assessment responses that students have provided already is testament to the fact that people WILL share their notes and experience for nothing in return.

We're asking you to share YOUR resources, and to browse the content of Bored of Studies (and the forums), or ask specific questions on the forums if you're looking for assistance. There are many people here willing to help you, and we'd appreciate your contribution to help others as well.


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
Are u daft woman! BoS is here to share... becoz we care... well we dont really most of us dont give a crap abt u or ur schooling.
(but thats more of a personal opinion on my part)

This site (forums as well) offers senior students a valuable 'supplementary' educational resource to which all students have equal access to. The point here is to share with others who do r doing ur course/topic wat u have learnt so that they can see what else is being taught in other schools, where emphasis is being placed, it also provides help to students who need it.. etc etc

said u should swap notes with ppl from other schools so you get a variuety and stand out from your school
In my opinion that sounds really bitchy. Even tho it is the truth of our education system today that competition is rated higher than the education the students are supposed to receive. And if u wanna be a bitch n not share any helpful ideas/advice/info u may have... fair enuff i spose all i can ask is only take what u can give back. It really is only fair.

Oh and P.S if originality was ur aim u prolly shouldnt have gone to one of those courses where they tell the ENTIRE group the same thing... live life a bit n try and interpret the HSC ur own way... it has worked before. :cool:


New Member
Mar 15, 2003
Such quality responses but I still don't have any help and I don't think I'll get any. Thanks for trying though.

Anti: I asked a specific question on the forum. I am yet to receive an adequate response that diretly answers my selfish, indeed, question.

Eviltama:No that is not the the write nick for you hmm.. lets try this one:
Evilhypocrite: <----- Who's the bitch now?!:cool:

It's sad really, you don't care for me but I really care for you! I assume anyone who is a "senior member" has completed the HSC, correct? (What was your UAI?) Sad because you are still at a HSC website! What's more you are arguing with me about a simple request to other HSC students. Now I care about you because my only hope is that I don't end up anything like you. I mean we all can't help caring for the disfortunate. (But that's more of a personal opinion on my part.)

I LOVE this site and agree completly with its fundamental setup, I never said I didn't. If I had completed study notes I would have no problem with giving them to this GREAT site. But I'm actually after sheets aswell i.e.. class handouts. So far I haven't come across any on this site, hence the request: "I'd love to swap sheets" Notes also "Swap notes" but I don't think they will be finished until after the holiday's so I hoped to make a connection b4 hand.

Yes they do tell the group the same thing. But how does that stop originality- and I'm talking in a school scale, no one from my school was there. And it isn't as though they told us what to write, they told us what not to write. And if I did find a buddy to swap notes and sheets with that would have to create a bit of originality in my school.

Lastly if interpreting the HSC has worked b4 why the website?
Oh and interpret this: At 10:56 AM I wouldn't be at this website because I'm living, take some of your own, far from bitchy, advice. ( And I'm not talking about Bingo Evilhypocrite)


Mentally Deranged Maniac
Jul 25, 2002
U asked a specific question? I do hope u mind pointing it out to the ppl here.. becoz i cant find it. U request for ppl who wish to swap sheets with u to email u... no question im afraid.

"Evilhypocrite: <----- Who's the bitch now?!" erm... i guess this is where i say u... thats really pathetic, as in childish pathetic.

I assume anyone who is a "senior member" has completed the HSC, correct? (What was your UAI?) Sad because you are still at a HSC website! What's more you are arguing with me about a simple request to other HSC students
Assume away... ur wrong of course... but be my guest and assume away. But yes i have completed the HSC and my uai was quite good. I'm sad because i come to a HSC website... which also has uni forums and is a sister (in relative terms) site to uniboardz... i also try to answer 'questions' ppl might have abt the HSC. See this is the part where i try to give back what i took from the site...

Really, i wouldnt want anyone to turn out like me... so ur safe on that part but maybe if u were a bit like me u might be found by some of those ppl who care for the "disfortunate." and they might be able to help u with ur spelling... there is no such a word as disfortunate... its the unfortunate ur refering to i believe... but then again im only assuming that u should by yr 12 know how to spell.

"I LOVE this site ... giving them to this GREAT site. " You trying for a skippy badge or a chest to pin it on?

"But I'm actually after sheets aswell i.e.. class handouts."
Maybe if u had said that... in ur first post someone might have responded to that, instead of just bringing it up afterwards... You can't just leave half the information out and then expect everyone else to fill in the blanks.

Can we define originality here.. u seem confused. Originality is when u as the audience of a text or the student in a school takes a different view point to others. One that is an educated and informed view... its not ur buddy telling u this is how he did it at his school, then u telling ur friends at school how he did it. It's thinking for urself, researching it, proving it works... otherwise where is the originality in it? It doesn't require u to think abt a new way to approach anything, while it may encourage thought its just going to be regurgitated crap that has been told and retold before. It wouldnt hurt for you to think for urself for a change... ur teacher isn't required to spoon feed you your information, they only do it because they know if they don't none of you will. ( Yes of course im just assuming that ur a lazy little bitch who wants to be GREAT and TOP of her school/class... but who knows maybe i'm wrong... maybe ur one of those earnest try hards who thinks that this year they will make a difference...)

"Lastly if interpreting the HSC has worked b4 why the website?"
Becoz everyone interprets the hsc/each individual course in their own seperate way, the site allows for all those different view points to be found in the one place. Giving the ppl looking for notes a wider view point from which to choose from... not everyone looks at the same aspects of a text or focuses on the same production etc. This site, is meant to aid u in ur studies... not hold u hand and do ur work for u. Tho as everyone knows if theres a way to exploit something, then someone will do it. And no that was not directed at u, its just a fact... a common statement of truth.

if u really want to 'swap sheets' with someone maybe u should talk to ur teacher... they usually have contacts in other schools and they will be able to find those sort of things... if u work it right u might be able to work up a good partnership with the other school for other subjects. Trade sheets, info etc..


New Member
Mar 15, 2003
Your do cool, glad we agree

Wasting a precious free period for you! This is the last time. ANd also getting sad like you I mean it's 10:37 shit! How sad of me!

Oxford dictionary definition of the word question:

"Sentence adapted by order of word or punctuartion or intonation to elicit an answer"
Notice the word OR. So it can just recquire an answer! Wouldn't receiving an email be a response/answer?!

"See this is the part where i try to give back what i took from the site... " Right so unlike u i'm not finished the HSC so at the moment I can't give back to the website what I have taken, which I already covered in my last thread. But when I do finish the HSC I will give back advice and I assure you it wouldn't be from some inconsiderate, no life, bitch. AND it will also provide HELP! Hard concept hey?

"Becoz everyone interprets the hsc/each individual course in their own seperate way, ....................... not everyone looks at the same aspects of a text or focuses on the same production"
Exactly why I would like different opinions from other people, glad u understand my reasons.

Yes! They have badges!!

"Originality is when u as the audience of a text or the student in a school takes a different view point to others." Exactly spot on again I would be original if I had different view point from others in my school (not in the state), I don't care about the state just school. So therefore if I swapped notes with someone I'd be original in my school. u agree with me, great.

"ur teacher isn't required to spoon feed you" and nor would I want her 2. That is why I'm looking to swap notes with other ppl.

"Tho" your spellings perrrrrrfect, don't even get me started. Now that is pathetic

"if u really want to 'swap sheets' with someone maybe u should talk to ur teacher... they usually have contacts in other schools and they will be able to find those sort of things... if u work it right u might be able to work up a good partnership with the other school for other subjects. Trade sheets, info etc..' GOOD idea, but there really wasn't any harm trying here, maybe I'm wrong


aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Jul 28, 2002
Re: Your do cool, glad we agree

Originally posted by Xena
i'm not finished the HSC so at the moment I can't give back to the website what I have taken
I think by 'giving back' eviltama was implying that you'd be assisting others who are going through the same thing as you, that is, by posting to the forum when others are asking for help. You'll find that a lot of the members of the BoS forums are in Year 12 currently (03).

If you're curious as to why 02'ers are still posting (and, occasionally, a student from 2001), I know I post in an attempt to help others achieve understanding of the subjects they're doing. I don't give people the answers but I try to guide them towards forming their own interpretations. (I don't post on the Maths forums ;) )

I don't care about the state just school. So therefore if I swapped notes with someone I'd be original in my school.
True, in which case you would not object to posting your notes/papers up on the site, I assume? I'm not attempting to force you into a corner, but if you are only concerned with what material others in your school are using, then your contribution to other students in the state would be very useful and would not affect other people in your school.


New Member
Mar 15, 2003
"that is, by posting to the forum when others are asking for help. "
When did I ever say I wasn't going to contribute to forums this has nothing to do with that. And I have contributed to many.

"True, in which case you would not object to posting your notes/papers up on the site, I assume?"

I answered this in a previous thread when they are adequatley completed I will do so. I don't really see why anyone has a real problem with me finding someone that does the same topics as me to swap "THINGS"-is that political correct? (including class sheets and notes.)

"(I don't post on the Maths forums)" Likewise


New Member
Mar 18, 2003
Whats wrong with Xena's question? Does it really require all this flaming? What the hell are you doing sitting on an internet forum about advanced english for the HSC? Do you have a life? Who would take your advice on these forums? The people who come here dont want to end up loosers like you that sit on HSC websites a year after the HSC is over. They want to go places.

Anti you are a turd and I feel dumber for reading your posts all the way thru. :apig:

evilhypocrite = slut
or should i post that to the maths forum?

Why dont you all stop being so mean. If you cant answer Xenas question dont click reply? Who are you helping? You claim to want to participate and want to help anyone but all you have done is make one person annoyed and helped no one... Pretty constructive....

All you've done is wasted your time and make the 85 people that have viewed the thread think you are bitches.. Including myself.

On a more posative note the real reason I am replying to this thread is because I am doing Brave New World and King Lear. I was looking for someone to swap with aswell :D I will send you an email Xena. I have lots of notes even though there not completely finished, you can have them.

Cya All


aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Jul 28, 2002
Xena, I'm not saying you haven't contributed - and I have no doubts that you would be able to help others if you could.

I simply don't think your request reflects the nature of the site, hence my response. I have never been obnoxious or 'flamed' you and I don't appreciate those sorts of comments.

kared, I post on this forum in an attempt to help others. I feel like my experience will be of assistance to others and I don't mind giving up a few hours of my time each week to post constructive comments here. I have goals, like many other ex-HSC students, and I am on the way to completing them... your assumptions are thus well off the mark.

I made a justified point in my original reply and this is the last post I shall make defending the purpose of this site.

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