Calculon - there are some Science teachers who prefer the new syllabus - in my experience, the word 'rare' would be an appropriate description of them. Perhaps they think the new syllabus is more interesting - which could be argued - but I've never heard anyone try to argue that it provides a better preparation for future study. Oddly enough, there has been some research that shows that students coming into Uni study of Chemistry are more enthusiastic as a result of the new syllabus, but know less.
Zarathustra, 3/4u Science were easier than either 2u Chem or 2u Phys - they were intended (originally) as a simplified combined course, replacing some harder Chem and Phys with basic Bio and Geo, for those students that would struggle with the 2u courses, and also for people headed for a Uni course that really called for some understanding of Bio, Chem and Phys.
This was then exploited by certain schools - notably Sydney Grammar, Abbotsleigh and Queenwood - putting their most able students into these courses, and distorting the scaling system. IMO it was a good call to reomve these courses - they did not serve the purpose for which they were designed.
As for the changes to the Science syllabi, that was driven by modern educational theory, notably the desire for context based content taught in a spiral syllabus structure. This is fine (in theory), but not well executed in practice. Also, it has led to there being (IMO) so much contextual basis that it obscures a clear and coherent picture of the underlying theory. There is also too much content in the modern syllabi.
The reference to MIP as 'Choko Maths' is not a reference I made up, it was used fairly commonly by students in higher Maths courses. I was surprised by your reference to racism, until I realised the possible alternate interpretation. The Choko to which this comment refers is a vegetable. Since the vegetable is reputed to be pretty bland, the reference was to a flavourless vegetable, and was a comment on the relative ease of the content in the MIP syllabus. I did not intend any sort of racial comment, and I apologise to anyone who might have misunderstood.